Monday, February 2, 2009

Coming storm?

OK, today feels less than hilarious...MB is sick with we-don't-know-what & came home early from school. Jonathan announced this evening that he has a headache (& just doesn't look so hot). Ethan's got that non-stop runny nose that sort of glazes his face. Ick. So everybody's tucked into bed with barf buckets close at hand. I still have traumatic memories of the other year when everybody except E was throwing up at the same time...eeeeew.

On the other hand, there were cute moments: E smiling and giggling while we played this little piggy as I put him in his jammies. MB asleep on one end of the couch & E curled up on the other end. Michael & Jonathan trying to count out 100 smarties for 100th day tomorrow at school (and having to start over a couple of times when they got interrupted & lost count!). J repeating, "Oh my gosh Mom! Oh my gosh!" as he turned the pages of his new book about archaeology & mummies. He really did say it about 25 times :-) He was so excited...his student teacher read his other book about Egypt to his kindergarten class today, and the kids were all suitably wowed. Pretty big day for a 6-year old!

It's all good...

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