Thursday, July 30, 2009

Not that I'm Counting

Oh, and did I mention?

32 days until school starts.



MB had minor surgery on Tuesday to correct a problem with her bladder, where urine was refluxing back up to her kidneys. Long story short, what we thought were UTI's since December were probably really kidney infections. Fortunately, she's been on low-dose antibiotics since April. We have one more follow-up to make sure this corrected the problem, and then it should be ancient history. She came through with flying colors, and we learned that she is a "happy drunk" when under the influence of certain medications :-). The nurse anesthetist said she had them in stitches until they put her out, because her mouth just kept going and going...

I don't know where she gets that from. Must be her dad's side of the family...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Slacking again

OK, so I totally stink at this daily (or even weekly) blogging thing. When it's fresh in my mind, it's ok, but then I sort of forget about it, it falls off the radar, and here we are at the end of June already. I'm such a slacker.

Anyway, here's a picture of what happens when you don't lock up the camera to keep it away from your husband: he sends your almost-three-year old over to ask you for a drink. While you're sleeping. And because you haven't padlocked the fridge yet, same child brings you the bottle of juice & a cup (look closely behind my head). And because you're sleeping, you take it all in stride :-)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Spring was here...and gone!

Wow, I don't know what happened to spring! It was here & now I'm looking at the calendar & it's gone already. Time sure flies! School's over already...we survived third grade & kindergarten. We also survived the Brownie camping trip & the kindergarten field trip. We're looking forward to a summer full of cub scout activities & soccer. There may even be an art class in there somewhere. There will be a trip to Canada for Mary Beth & some field trips for her & Jonathan with their friends, and a third birthday party for Ethan. And not least of all, a new baby cousin sometime before that birthday party!

It's going to be a busy summer, that's for sure!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Royals have bullies too...

We took a walk around the neighborhood this evening...all 5 of us have been suffering from cabin fever today & we can't seem to get enough sunshine & fresh air. As we're strolling along, Jonathan says, "If we're really lucky, we might even get to see the Royal Bully Alice tonight!" Mike & I are looking at each other like, Do you know what he's talking about? Even Mary Beth didn't get it right away. Then he followed up with, "You know, the lights in the sky!"

I will never think of the Aurora Borealis in quite the same way again...I think I prefer Alice :-)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spring is coming!!

Driving past Herman's today, we saw the sign: Opening March 19th!! That's as sure a sign that spring is on its way as any old robin, and not a moment too soon!!

Trivial Pursuit

If you've ever wondered exactly how large an item you could flush down a toilet without clogging it entirely, I can tell you that a 4-inch plastic toy boat will fit down the toilet & allow some water & such to pass. I can also tell you that at some point after flushing said boat, you're going to have to pull the toilet off & remove it from the toilet so that anything else besides water can also pass. And I could also add that plumbing is just about my husband's favorite thing to do, but that might be a teeny tiny bit over the top....