Saturday, June 27, 2009

Slacking again

OK, so I totally stink at this daily (or even weekly) blogging thing. When it's fresh in my mind, it's ok, but then I sort of forget about it, it falls off the radar, and here we are at the end of June already. I'm such a slacker.

Anyway, here's a picture of what happens when you don't lock up the camera to keep it away from your husband: he sends your almost-three-year old over to ask you for a drink. While you're sleeping. And because you haven't padlocked the fridge yet, same child brings you the bottle of juice & a cup (look closely behind my head). And because you're sleeping, you take it all in stride :-)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Spring was here...and gone!

Wow, I don't know what happened to spring! It was here & now I'm looking at the calendar & it's gone already. Time sure flies! School's over already...we survived third grade & kindergarten. We also survived the Brownie camping trip & the kindergarten field trip. We're looking forward to a summer full of cub scout activities & soccer. There may even be an art class in there somewhere. There will be a trip to Canada for Mary Beth & some field trips for her & Jonathan with their friends, and a third birthday party for Ethan. And not least of all, a new baby cousin sometime before that birthday party!

It's going to be a busy summer, that's for sure!!